Recommended Links
This page presents links to a few recommended Christian websites which give Biblical guidance and sound teaching for English-speaking or German-speaking readers.
Das Wort der Wahrheit
On the German-language website “Das Wort der Wahrheit” you can find many books, papers and audio records of lectures and sermons by Rudolf Ebertshäuser about the topics:
* Pentecostal and Charismatic movement
* End-time deception, the Church in the last times
* Ecumenical movement, Church Growth movement, Emerging Church movement
* Modern Evangelicalism as a deceptive compromise with Modernism
* Bible translations, Textus Receptus
* Biblical teaching and encouragement, edifying lectures and sermons.
Way of Life Literature
The website “Way of Life Literature” contains much valuable material about end-time deception and the biblical way of the Church in the last times. You can also order helpful books on many topics there. The author, David Cloud, is a fundamental Baptist missionary, preacher and Bible teacher.
Emmaus Correspondence School
The Emmaus Correspondence School provides sound and edifying Bible correspondence courses in many countries and languages. This material is helpful for gaining a deeper knowledge of the Bible and Bible doctrine and is therefore warmly recommended .