A short List
of English books
about the Pentecostal
and Charismatic movement
Compiled by Rudolf Ebertshäuser 2010. Updated 2014
This list contains some suggestions for Christians who want to get Biblical information and guidelines about the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement and its doctrines and practices. We tried to select only sound Bible-believing authors and books, although we might disagree with the author in some questions. Not all of the books mentioned may still be in print.
A. Helpful general accounts
D. W. Cloud: The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement: Its History and Error.
Port Huron, MI (Way of Life Literature) 2006
John F. MacArthur, jr.: Strange Fire. The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship. Nashville, TN (Thomas Nelson) 2013
John F. MacArthur, jr.: Charismatic Chaos.
Grand Rapids, MI (Zondervan) 1992
R. A. Huebner: The Word of God versus the “Charismatic Revival”.
Morganville, NJ (Present truth Publishers) 1988
Victor Budgen: The Charismatics and the Word of God.
Durham (Evangelical Press) 2. erw. Aufl. 1989
B. Shorter booklets
Hugh F. Pyle: The Truth about Tongues and the Charismatic Movement.
Murfreesboro, TN (Sword of the Lord) 1989
John R. Rice: The Charismatic Movement.
Murfreesboro, TN (Sword of the Lord) 1976
A. J. Pollock: Modern Pentecostalism, Foursquare Gospel, “Healings” and “Tongues” – Are they of God? London (The Central Bible Truth Depot) o.J.
C. Special questions
Merril F. Unger: The Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Chicago (Moody Bible Institute) 1974
Merril F. Unger: New Testament Teaching on Tongues.
Grand Rapids, MI (Kregel) 1971
Charles R. Smith: Tongues in Biblical Perspective.
Winona Lake, IN (BMH Books) 2. überarb. Aufl. 1972
B. B. Warfield: Counterfeit Miracles.
Edinburgh (Banner of Truth) 1972
D. A. Cloud: The Laughing Revival. From Azusa to Pensacola.
Port Huron, MI (Way of Life Literature) 2. Aufl. 1998
Carroll Stegall, jr: The Modern Tongues and Healing Movement.
Pensacola FL (Bible Believers Press) 1994
Richard Mayhue: Divine Healing Today.
Chicago (Moody Bible Institute) 1983